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Fable III
Tipo Action Role Playing Game
Desenvolvido por Lionhead Studios
Publicado por Microsoft Game Studios
Plataforma Xbox 360
Data de Lançamento Xbox 360
EUA: 26 Outubro 2010
AUS: 28 Outubro 2010
EUR: 29 Outubro 2010
EUA: 17 Maio 2011
AUS:19 Maio 2011
EUR:20 Maio 2011
Fable III PC Cover
Logo Fable III
400px-Fable-3-TGS 10-2

Fable III é o terceiro jogo da série de jogos Fable.

Em 2009, os Estúdios Lionhead, que desenvolveram Fable e Fable II, anunciaram que estavam planejando continuar a série Fable com Fable III. O jogo está atualmente disponível na América do Norte e na Europa. Diferentemente de Fable II, ele também foi lançado para PC, em Maio de 2011. A versão para PC vem com o conteúdo da Edição Limitada de Colecionador incluído grátis, mas o pacote Understone Quest e Traitor's Keep precisa ser pago e baixado separadamente utilizando o Games for Windows LIVE. E também é o primeiro game da série no qual o Herói é mostrado falando frases completas.


A história começa 50 anos após os eventos de Fable II, o continente de Albion, onde a série Fable é estabelecida, está sobre o controle de Logan, um rei tirano e o irmão mais velho do Herói[1]. O personagem do jogador, o "Herói", é forçado a partir em uma busca para se tornar um líder revolucionário e, então, derrotar Logan, depois que ele revela sua verdadeira personalidade ao Herói. Durante o curso da primeira metade do jogo, o Herói derrubará Logan e se tornará ele próprio o governante de Albion. Durante a segunda metade do jogo, uma estranha força vinda de Aurora, chamada A Escuridão ameaçará Albion e o jogador deve decidir como reagir a isso.


Os jogadores podem apenas migrar o gênero de seu Herói de Fable II, presente no jogo salvo; nenhuma escolha feita em Fable II afeta a jogabilidade em Fable III.

Fable III Hero
Hero 3

Enquanto o jogador está tentando derrubar o rei atual de Albion, ele precisa buscar apoio da população. Entretanto, dependendo da quantidade de controle que o tirano exerça sobre uma região, conseguir um apoio inicialmente pode ser difícil. Para encorajar os cidadãos a se unirem à revolução, o jogador precisa reunir Guild Seals, que são obtidos através de quests, integindo com as pessoas ou realizando boas ações para ganhar apoio e fazer promessas de melhorar as vidas das pessoas para quando o Herói estiver no trono. Essas promessas podem afertar toda e qualquer coisa, desde a vida de um simples indivíduo à vida de uma população inteira ou uma classe ou grupo que a compõem. Depois que o jogador tiver ganhor o controle da coroa, ele tem a oportunidade de cumprir ou ignorar as promessas que ele fez e que o permitiram alcançar sua posição.

Conforme explica Peter Molyneux, Diretor Criativo da Lionhead:

O que é realmente estranho sobre liderança é que existe uma linha em comum há séculos, em todas as culturas. Onde quer que políticos, rebeldes ou juntas estejam subindo ao poder, eles fazem promessas e muito frequentemente essas promessas não são cumpridas. Nós queremos dar uma sensação disso, então enquanto você está formando suas forças, como você é um rebelde, você encontrará essas oportunidades de prometer coisas para conseguir mais poder. Então, depois que você se tornar líder, a oportunidade de fazer valer essas promessas tem consequências reais.

Nós perguntamos como o jogo seria o funcionamento do jogo uma vez que o jogador assumisse o trono de Albion, Molyneux foi rápido em negar que o game se tornaria em um jogo de administração estilo "Theme Park" e afirmou que a Lionhead não estaria retornando às suas origens, fazendo jogos de estratégia.

Uma nova mecânica, chamada "Julgamentos", foi implementada de forma que, uma vez que o jogador se torne o governante de Albion, a ele/ela serão atribuídos deveres a cumprir, os quais envolvem audiências com dois lados sobre uma proposta, uma beneficial ao povo (também utiliza o dinheiro presente no tesouro do reino) apertando o botão "A" e outra beneficial ao tesouro do reino, mas impopular com o povo (algumas vezes traz dinheiro para a coroa) apertando o botão X. Essa mecânica está presente atualmente apenas através da história principal, entretanto, futuros DLCs podem expandí-la.

Há recompensas em ser um governante egoísta, incluindo um tesouro cheio, com pilhas de ouro que crescem ou diminuem baseado na riqueza do jogador. Se um jogador escolher ser bom, ele/ela precisará financiar o tesouro com seu próprio dinheiro, tornando muito mais difícil ser bom do que nos outros jogos.

Aprofundando o assunto da mecânica do "Julgamento", o Herói também precisa decidir sobre fatores como a criminalidade, a pobreza, o trabalho infantil, porém fora da sala do trono. Ele/ela também pode modificar os impostos, o salário dos guardas e as leis referentes ao álcool, o que modifica a opinião do povo em relação à coroa.

Like the character-morphing that defines the series, where the player's character changes appearance based on his or her actions, growing beautiful or ugly based on good and evil actions respectively, Fable III expands that to location-morphing. For example, if the player removes the limit of alcohol citizens can purchase per day, the amount of intoxicated/drunk people will increase, whereas banning it altogether will prevent citizens from becoming intoxicated altogether.

Fable III also removes most conventional menus in favour of the Sanctuary, an interactive pause menu consisting of a set of rooms, each of which replaces the function of a Fable II submenu. Other options now involve holding the A, X, or Y buttons on the Xbox 360 controller to select an option.

The 'Expressions' system has been greatly overhauled, now it is referred to as "Expression Touch", in order to form relationships with people, the player must use a random order of expressions, until the NPC asks for the player to do a "Relationship Quest" to improve their relationship. This can range from being a courier, retrieving an item or taking the person on a date. The NPC's characteristics will determine how they react to the performed expression.

Also new is the "Dynamic Touch" system, in which the player can either hold hands with someone or drag them to an objective point; the NPC's reaction is dependant on their opinion of the Hero and the Hero's intent. For example: if a villager hates the player they will not willingly accompany them anywhere. Alternatively, even if the NPC loves the player they will still put up a fight when being led to sacrifice or a forced labour camp.

The Hero disciplines formerly known as Strength, Skill and Will are not referred to as extensively as in previous Fable titles. In the context of the Road to Rule upgrade system they are known respectively as Melee, Ranged and Magic. In the context of effects on the Hero's appearance, they are known as Strength, Stature and Magical Aura; these are attained over time as opposed to being automatically incurred with upgrades. As seen in the item description of The Channeler, phrases such as 'Will User' have been replaced with 'Spellcaster' in keeping with gameplay.


At the beginning of the Gamescon announcement of Fable III, Molyneux stated that the game was taking a different theme compared to the others as he believes the third game in a series to be hard to do correctly. "If all the rules have been established and all you offer is a new story and a handful of locations, people will start to lose interest."

In an interview with OXM UK, he spoke about how Fable was at risk of becoming a generic game where the player started off underpowered and weak but slowly got more powerful after they met the bad guy. After the player killed the bad guy, the credits would roll. Believing that is the formula that applies to many games, he asked why games "end at potentially the most exciting bit?" It was this that formed the basis of Fable III, where the player can overthrow the tyrant before becoming ruler themselves. He stated that it was when the player was ruler that the consequences of "who you are going to be, are you going to be good or evil, cruel or kind" stopped applying only to the player, but affected the entire country.

Molyneux hinted that there may be drawbacks to leaving your castle too often to investigate crimes or fight wars, asking "Are you going to be a king that is the equivalent to Picard in Star Trek? Quite honestly, if the captain of the ship was going down to planets and getting involved in battles I'd be worried because I think he should stay in his chair. But if he chooses to go down and get involved, that's the freedom we give you as a king." But this is unfortunately either Molyneux hyping the game as he does usually, or unable to be finished in time for the game, as you cannot investigate crime or fight wars (end of game doesn't count it is obligatory) and neither is there any form of drawback for leaving the castle.

Talking about the inspiration for Fable III, Molyneux said "if in Fable I the inspiration was folklore and in Fable II the inspiration was King Arthur and Robin Hood, then Fable III is definitely the rebels and monarchs – both modern-day and historic."

What's so interesting about that is you look at it and you realize that, "Gee, these people who ruled our land up until very recently were actually very creative with their power and abused it and use it in many evil ways." Take Henry VIII, let's just go through some of the things this guy did. Rather than say, "Hey, this marriage is not working out so well," he just decided to completely kill off his wives. Not only did he do that, but to do the deed he just got rid of religion and replaced it with a new one. He also took five percent of the entire tax income – the equivalent of billions of pounds in today's world – and spent on his personal wine cellar, while many people within the country were suffering from starvation and plague. This guy definitely wasn't that nice a guy, and if you write that down he sounds really evil. Does history paint him as being really evil? Not really, it paints him as being a bit of a jolly chap who was quite infatuated with six women. That's fascinating inspiration and we really want to give you the power to be that colourful when you're ruler.

Diários em Vídeo[]

The first of Lionhead's new season of video diaries, detailing Fable III development, is available now at lionhead.com

Lionhead Studios Video Diary Episode Two: The Interface and Funny Walks


Lionhead Studios Video Diary Episode Three:
The Cast of Fable III


Peter Molyneux has confirmed that the game will have many new features, including:

  • Episodes: There will be 2 episodes featured in the game. The first is to campaign to remove the king from the throne. The second is ruling Albion after you receive the crown.
  • Judgements: As ruler of Albion, you can decide if you will keep the promises you made as a revolutionary, to the people's joy or anger.
    400px-Touch system

    Exemplo do comando: Segurar Mão

  • Touch: The simple expression system has greatly evolved. Now, "You can shake someone's hand, and then that might turn into a hug. You can then turn that into an embrace, and then into a full-on snog."[2]
  • Strong Consequences: There will be much more far reaching consequences for your actions than in the past two games due to at least part of the game taking place with the character as a monarch.
  • Peter Molyneux has stated that it won't just be Albion, but Aurora featured in the player's experience.
  • Co-op impregnation and marriage will be possible
  • Once all stats are maxed out, not all characters will be big and bulky like in the previous games.

At Microsoft's X10 event in San Francisco [3], Molyneux announced some more new features:

  • Weapon Morphing: Depending on your alignment and the way you use the weapons, they will change accordingly.
  • Dog: Man's best friend will return in the new release, but does not chase rabbits or scents as promised and In the limited edition it was announced that there will be a new dog breed; the Boxer.
  • RPG Elements: The health bar, experience orbs/XP points and the HUD in general are to be scrapped.
    Wings good

    Extreme Morphing: Personagem "bom"

  • Aurora: GameSpot report that Aurora [sic] is to be a new continent.
  • Extreme Morphing: An expression that allows the Hero to show their "true character" by sprouting a pair of wings (and horns, if they are evil.) The wings will match the Hero's alignment - if good, they are white and pristine, but if evil, they are darker. Also, wing size is based on the amount of followers your character has. If you have few followers, wing size is small and if you have many followers, wing size is large.
  • Fable III will have an improved camera for co-op.
  • The ability to use your custom character and dog for co-op.
  • Followers: Peter Molyneux has said on various occasions that there will be a system where players may amass "followers". These followers are used to determine experience, among other things. It has been stated that marriage and doing well in combat will give you followers.

At the Game Developer's Conference [4], Molyneux' focus was on Fable III's new GUI:

  • Interactive Pause Menu: When you pause the game your character will appear in the "Sanctuary" (known as the Guild Chambers before E3), a collection of rooms from which you can do everything you could normally do in the traditional menu.
  • Map Room: The Sanctuary will feature a fully interactive map of Albion and Aurora which can be zoomed in on, allowing for manipulation of troops and tactical strategy for battles.
  • Wardrobe: A room in the Sanctuary containing all your clothes on display mannequins.
  • Armoury: A chamber containing all your weapons.
  • Treasury: Instead of a number telling you how much gold you have, you will be able to enter this room to see, and pick up, your gold reserves.
  • Butler: You will have your own butler, named Jasper, in the Sanctuary. He will make clothing and weaponry recommendations based on your current situation, and will be voiced by John Cleese.

The Lionhead Studios team went to E3 2010 to show off Fable III. During the Microsoft Keynote, they revealed a new trailer.

Fable III Trailer - E3 2010

Lionhead Studios demonstrated some combat at the E3:
Fable III Combat - E3 2010

  • Also judging from the trailer shown at E3 2010 it can be seen that you are able to combine different Will spells, as the Hero was seen combining Shock and Inferno.
  • It was confirmed in some interviews at E3 that spells will be used through gauntlets, one containing each spell, and the gauntlets are expected to morph like weapons.
  • There is expected to be around 7 spells used through gauntlets, but "Certain spells could still turn up...not necessarily as actual gauntlets..." according to Lionhead's Gradius1. Predefinição:Lionhead Forums
  • The Lionhead team took two gameplay demonstrations to E3:
    • One featured the village of Brightwall, the nearby region of Mistpeak Valley and the Sanctuary. It focused on the touch NPC interaction feature as well as a couple of small quests. One of these included a demonstration of fighting with a new enemy, wolves. The Armoury and Wardrobe features of the Sanctuary were also explored, including a look at the new method of dying clothes. This involved choosing a colour from the dye rack and then choosing a shade of that colour from a shade-card.
    • The other demo was of combat in Aurora and includes a couple of story spoilers. The gameplay here featured fighting in a dungeon and gave the first glimpse of in-game Auroran landscape, the region of Shifting Sands.

Videos of these demonstrations and other features from E3 can be found on the Lionhead Forums thread Fable III Info and Articles. Predefinição:Lionhead Forums

At the Brighton Develop conference, Peter Molyneux talked about the levelling up system[5] (Article contains spoilers):

  • As the player accumulates more followers, they will receive 'Guild Seal'-style items which they will use to level up.
  • Levelling up will be handled in a 3D environment known as the Road to Rule.
  • Molyneux has stated that Theresa will be your guide on the road.

Edição Limitada de Colecionador[]


The Limited Collector’s Edition[6] also offers unique collectibles that true Fable fans won't want to miss, including downloadable content, as well as in-box items that come with the Xbox 360 version (the PC version of Fable III includes all LCE downloadable content by default, and does not come with any in-box items). Wrapped up in a distinctive box created in the likeness of a book from Fable III, the contents include:

  • A new quest: Uncover the mystery of the haunted forests of Silverpines and earn the legendary sword, Wolfsbane, deadly against wolves and balverines.
  • Exclusive location: Unlock a new region, ideal for settling down with a family and discovering new treasures.
  • Fable III playing cards: Created by Lionhead, these cards depict every type of character in Fable III, including Heroes, royals, rebels and villains from across Albion and beyond.
  • Guild Seal Coin: The coin features a Good side (blue) and Evil side (red) to assist players in making critical decisions that will impact the fate of the world forever.
  • A new dog breed: Renowned for its loyalty, the Boxer is a brave canine companion worthy of greatest Queens and Kings.
  • One unique outfit: Unearth one male and female outfit from the mysterious, faraway land of Aurora, a new destination in your Fable III adventures.

Fable 3 - Limited Collectors Edition Unboxing HD


  • In the Teaser trailer you can find about seven clues, to name a few the Sparrow, and the Guild Symbol on the crown.

    »»Fable 3 Trailer«« (FULL HD 1080p) (XBOX 360)

  • Confirmed voice actors are Simon Pegg ( as the rebel soldier Ben Finn), Jonathan Ross (as Barry Hatch), Stephen Fry (resuming his role as Reaver), John Cleese (as your butler Jasper who also appears in the pause area), Bernard Hill (as Sir Walter Beck) and Sir Ben Kingsley (as Sabine, elder of the Dweller tribe)
  • Town names heard in interviews with Peter Molyneux include Bowerstone, Millfields and Brightwall. Beta names for other regions heard in various videos and articles include Mourningwood, Cursewood and Driftwood. The area name Mistpeak has also been heard, and Mistpeak Valley can be seen in the second video diary.
  • The fact that the game is set 50 years after Fable II and you play as the child of the Hero of Bowerstone is due to the long lives of those who are a part of the bloodline; e.g. the Hero of Oakvale lived for many years, William Black is possibly still alive, Scythe and Theresa are still alive after about 600 years.
  • It has been confirmed that Reaver will be reappearing in Fable III. However, Garth and Hammer will not be returning. Reaver is still youthful because of the sacrifices he offers to the Judges of the Shadow Court to retain his own youth and beauty.
  • The game is set to have up to "47 hours of dialogue", with each NPC having up to 2000 lines personally.[7]
  • Lionhead recently released the Fable III Villager Maker as a pre-order incentive. [8]
  • There is a new furnishing system where the player can have much more freedom in how to customise their homes; the ability to move around ornaments, change the design of wallpaper or have Jasper create a random theme style.
  • There are also new features to marriage in Fable III, you can set a wedding theme. If the player gets a divorce, the players gold will be halved with the spouse or Co-Op spouse, if the player marries the Co-Op spouse and gets a divorces the host player will get the children if there were any in the family.

Requerimentos mínimos para PC[]

OS: Windows XP 32bit SP 3, Windows Vista 32/64bit, Windows 7 32/64bit
Processador: Intel Core 2 Duo 2GHz or AMD Athlon X2 4000+
Memória (RAM): 2GB
Placa de Vídeo: NVidia 7600GT or ATI HD 2600 Pro
DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c or later
Espaço mínimo necessário: 12GB
Som: DirectX 9.0c ou melhor que seja compatível
DRM: Combined Steamworks, SECUROM, and GFWL (Games For Windows Live)


See also[]


